The hot topic of this week seems to
be Karen Klein and the bullying she received while at work as a bus monitor.
Haven't heard of it? Pull your head out and pay attention to the news, or just Google
her name.
Now, before I climb up on my
beautifully decorated and bedazzled soap box. Let me just state that I believe
ALL BULLYING is wrong. I have children. I do not want them bullied nor do I
want them to be bullies. I am all "up in their business" all the
time. I have taken them to our anti-bully rally. I monitor their facebook pages
and posts. I try to stay aware to make sure I'm doing my part and that they
know how I feel about bullying, how seriously it is taken in our home etc.
With that said, I feel horrible for
this poor woman who was bullied by these kids and I have empathy for her. But
it does make me question her job as a bus monitor. What exactly does a
bus monitor do? I looked it up and it states the following;
1) Monitors conduct of students on
school bus to maintain discipline and safety: Directs loading of students on
bus to prevent congestion and unsafe conditions.
2) Rides school bus to prevent altercations between students and damage to bus.
3) Participates in school bus safety
4) May disembark from school bus at
railroad crossings and clear bus across tracks.
What authority does a bus monitor have?
Is she just to sit there and observe or can she stop altercations? Obviously
her presence there did not deter/prevent an altercation. She does not look all
mean and tough, so here is where you will hate me for saying this, but then
again maybe you're thinking the same thing, just not wanting to say it. What is
the school thinking of placing her as a bus monitor? She was in the wrong job.
She does not exude the authority to stop young boys from bullying her, how is
she to stop them from doing it to others. Read #2.
There is a website
that states to intervene immediately, get an adult to help, separate the kids,
make sure everyone is safe, stay calm and model respectful behavior. It also
states do not ignore it.
She did neither of these things. The
only thing she did do was ignore it, which you're not supposed to do.
Does this excuse the boys?
Absolutely not!! Should they be punished for bullying? YES!
But who should punish them? You?
So here is what we have...someone
started a website to raise money for Mrs. Klein, because they felt bad for her
and thought a vacation was in order. That is nice. That shows just how good
people can be. They are now at 500,000 and it's growing, which is a very nice
vacation, if not a paid off house and maybe even retirement. Way to go USA.
But we also have this...whoever
posted this also posted the kid's name and addresses. The kids and their
families are now getting death threats! WHO IS THE BULLY NOW????? For those
adults who feel this is appropriate, please go to the nearest clinic and sterilize
yourself to save humany from any further downfall.
So what is the best punishment for
bullies? I don't know. Seems to me bullies have been around forever and they
exist in both school and college and work. The tactics just change as you get
older, we don't call it bullying we call it harassment.
I keep thinking more people should
be sterilized...