So someone told me today I should write a blog. Which got me to thinking, I already do have a blog! I'm just not that good at blogging.
You see, the shit that I say might be funny at the time and situation, but once I write it down all I can think of is Oh my God this is going to offend this person or that person. And then I realized that on some leve I do care and then there is the other side of me that just doens't and people take things way to seriously and should get over themselves and this is only my opinion and not fact. So suck it, here goes...
Today at work we had an interview with a lady named Juanita. If you are reading this Juanita, don't take offense, and if you do, oh well. However she didn't pronounce it how you would think. The hispanic way. If I could sound it out here I would, but you know what I'm saying...She also had a hispanic last name which is why I kept saying Juanita (hispanic way), until someone pointed out to me that it's actually pronounced Janaya. Ok she uses it as a "nickname"...whatever!!
You get Bob from Robert, Bill from William, Jimmy from James. But you do NOT get Janaya from's totally off, if you need a nickname just go with Juan...oh that's a boy's name :)
All this name calling is ridiculous. I have work to do.