If you ever want to get your blood boiling try calling the customer service department of your mobile phone carrier.
Without naming names, I have a three letter carrier, is there more than one? I don't know and I don't care.
Here is my dilemma. We have four phone's on our family sharing plan. We have plenty of sharing data between us. We have wifi at home, I have wifi at work and my kids always check wifi when they are hanging out and using their phones. So why, I ask, is one line on our plan racking up way more data then the other three combined???
Well, I called my carrier to find out. Their rep, nice as she was, told me that the phone will "kick" off wifi if it isn't used all the time and then you are using your data. So basically when we are at home, where we connect to wifi automatically, you still have to check your phone before using the internet to make sure you are on wifi and not data.
After I told her as politely as I could that when you screw people over in this manner, in some countries ladies expect dinner first, she apologized. Because that apology along with a firm @#%$ you will help pay my bill!
Switch carriers you say. I have tried. But I live in a small town and there seems to be a gaping black hole of no service with the exception of my current carrier.
I really want to throw my mobile phone out the damn window...if I didn't need it so much! ARGHHHHHHH.