Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Happy Birthday Aiden

This weekend we will be celebrating my grandson's 2nd birthday.

I am the mother of a teen mom.  I love all my children unconditionally, and I love my grandson too much, if you can love someone too much.

This boy has brought so much joy and happiness to my life and to my family I can hardly stand it.

It really makes me wonder about the mom who kicks their teen daughter out simply because she is pregnant.  The one time your child feels lost, scared and vulnerable you do the unthinkable of turning your back.  I don't get it.  But I regress...

I can only hope that I have this great a relationship with all my grandkids, once I have more grandkids.  And I might have to read this when Aiden is a teen and a pain in the ass. 

But for now...


Grandma oh vey part deux!

He has arrived!  He is the most adorable baby ever, well with the exception of my babies....  It almost makes all the ugly stares at the mall, and the judging by others bearable. Almost.  I don't know why I was surprised the first time I noticed a lady glaring at my daughter, but I guess it just took me off guard.  I wanted to go over to her and say something nasty, but I'm trying very hard to be a better person.

Why do people, you, me, everyone, feel as though we have the right to judge others? People who we don't even know.  Don't know their past or circumstance, yet we judge.

So for those that want to judge my little girl and her little baby, go ahead.  Judge away. It only affects me when I let it and I refuse to let your ugly, judgmental, ignorant ways have any part of my life.

This little baby is nothing but a blessing and a joy and a bundle of pure love.   My daughter might be young but from what I have seen her mothering skills will put some of you "adults" to shame!

Love this little baby.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Customer Service MY ASS!

If you ever want to get your blood boiling try calling the customer service department of your mobile phone carrier.

Without naming names, I have a three letter carrier, is there more than one?  I don't know and I don't care.

Here is my dilemma.  We have four phone's on our family sharing plan.  We have plenty of sharing data between us.  We have wifi at home, I have wifi at work and my kids always check wifi when they are hanging out and using their phones.  So why, I ask, is one line on our plan racking up way more data then the other three combined???

Well, I called my carrier to find out.  Their rep, nice as she was, told me that the phone will "kick" off wifi if it isn't used all the time and then you are using your data.  So basically when we are at home, where we connect to wifi automatically, you still have to check your phone before using the internet to make sure you are on wifi and not data. 

After I told her as politely as I could that when you screw people over in this manner, in some countries ladies expect dinner first, she apologized.  Because that apology along with a firm @#%$ you will help pay my bill!

Switch carriers you say.  I have tried.  But I live in a small town and there seems to be a gaping black hole of no service with the exception of my current carrier. 

I really want to throw my mobile phone out the damn window...if I didn't need it so much!  ARGHHHHHHH.

Monday, December 1, 2014


You wouldn't think that the Christmas season would be the best time to vent, but actually,  it's the perfect time for me to vent about this little subject that just happens to be one of my pet peeves.


If those four letters have you stumped you are no friend of mine.  And your mother failed you.

First, I shall vent.

There are Christmas parties, holiday parties, office parties, cocktail parties happening all over this month.  It is so busy it can get overwhelming!  I mean, you still have to work, and there is Christmas shopping to get done, and you have to have the right outfit for the right party, and the shoes.  By the way, the right shoes can dress up a not so cute outfit.  You're welcome.

I am assuming that you are one that will get plenty of invitations.  You are reading this little blog after all and that means your special, and not in the short bus kind of way either.

Now imagine your friend has invited you to her party.  She always throws fabulous parties and you are lucky you received an invitation.  Her parties are the parties people all want to go to. 

Now, consider how busy you are this month, then consider how busy your friend is and she still managed to throw this fabulous party!  She is amazing!

And what do you do?  Or shall I ask, what do you NOT do?  RSVP.  Those four little letters again.  They are on the invitation but as busy as you are, you forgot.  Imagine if your friend "forgot" to purchase food for this fabulous Christmas party, now your stuck with chips and dip and warm beer.  NOT COOL.  And neither is not RSVPing.

How damn difficult is it to tell someone if you are attending an event or not?  I mean the people hosting the event is going through A LOT more trouble hosting than you are having to pick up a phone.

It isn't like the old days were you either snail mail a reply back or call one number hoping to all things good that someone is at home to answer because answering machines weren't invented yet. Now you can e-mail, text, snapchat, skype and whatever electronic format you have.  Everyone has a cell phone (don't they?), you can reach anyone almost at anytime, and you still forget...really. 

RSVP is important.  As a matter of fact, not RSVPing is just rude.  The only thing that gets you off my shit list for not RSVPing, if if you are the one bringing the good liquor, if not you're not getting that coveted invitation next year.  Just sayin'.

Second, I shall teach.

Google, bing, yahoo - whatever search engine you have, just look up the four little letters...

RSVP -  from the French expression "répondez s'il vous plaît".  It means "please respond".   An if it's written on an invitation, you respond.  It's simple really.

It doesn't mean, tell me if you're note coming.  That is "regrets only".  Totally different thing.  This simply means you are coming, unless you're not then let me know.  Do you see the difference?

So if you are one of the lucky ones and you receive that party invitation in the mail, please do your host a favor and RSVP.  Simply pick up your phone and make sure your host knows if you are going to be there or not.

Monday, September 29, 2014

No cheering...really?

I can never find a lot to blog about so I don’ that is.  Well, I can probably find a lot to blog about if I wanted to completely alienate my family and friends…

But today I heard on the radio about a youth soccer league where parents are not allowed to cheer their kids on during a game.   They can applaud and hold up signs but not cheer.  The reason…it will make the opposing team feel bad.  I almost wrecked from laughing!  So I decided to do a little checking to see if this is really true.

A school decided to ban parents from cheering at youth basketball games.  Idaho had “silent cheer” back in 1999, Colleges ban booing. And that was about it.  But it got me thinking about the topic.

Here is what it boils down to for me.  Lazy parents.  Not lazy as in you don’t have energy, you don’t clean house, you don’t cook etc., but lazy as in emotionally lazy.   Being a parent is tough and you need to help your child learn to deal with disappointment.  It is hard watching your child feel bad but you as a parent need to give them tools to deal with it not to avoid it.

It makes me think of those people who try out for American Idol.  Those first auditions where someone is screeching off pitch and rhythm and the judges stops them, laughing and wondering what made them try out and why they are there and who told them they could sing.  When a lone voice stands there telling them “my mom told me I had a beautiful voice”.  All I can say is someone should have slapped your mom a long time ago for lying.  This is an emotionally lazy parent who did not want to hurt their kids’ feelings and now their kid is on a world stage making an ass of him/herself.  All you had to do was tell them that maybe singing isn’t for you. 

When I cheer at my son’s soccer game, football game, cross country meet, field and track meet, wrestling tournament (yes he does it all), do I do it to make your kid feel bad?   Absolutely not. I do it because I want to show him my support.   It has nothing to do with your kid.  I sure as hell don’t want him to stop and read my sign!!

My son has yet to place 1st in cross country, he has yet to win 1st at a track meet, he has won some wrestling matches but not yet taken home the “grand prize”.  He plays football but his passion is soccer.  Does he feel bad when he loses?  I bet he does and I tell him I’m proud of him and he will have to work harder and try harder next time.  All is good.  He gets it.  There will always be someone there working harder trying harder wanting that win more. 

So let me end by saying this; me cheering on my son has nothing to do with yours.  Teach your children to be good winners and losers.  Have good sportsmanship.  And maybe that’s where the problem lies….Poor sportsmanship, and not from the kids….but that’s another topic for another day because I have already edited the shit out of this trying to convey how I feel without totally pissing you off.  There is always next time…

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Grandma?!! - Oh Vey!

I really suck at this blogging stuff.  I hardly ever get on here.  I haven't  blogged in so long I almost forgot my password!

There hasn't been anything really interesting to blog about, and blogging takes some effort.  No wonder people use it as a full time job!

But now, not only do I have something to blog about (or blab), it might also help someone else.  And if it doesn't help anyone else, I'm hoping it might help some poor sucker out there be a little less judgemental.

So here goes!  My daughter is pregnant.  Now the world knows.  Well, let me rephrase that.  Now my world knows.  Her world knows already, between facebook and twitter...what doesn't the world now know.

But before you say the obligatory "congratulations" and "that's fantastic" or even the "being a grandma is fabulous", let me point out that my beautiful, smart, kind daughter is only 15.  Yes, you read that right. Oh Vey!

For those of you who are siting so high up on your judgemental throne, judge away.  You mean nothing to me, I don't know you, and if I do and you judge me, well, obviously I don't know you very well. As for judging my daughter, let me just say this...I hope you don't crack your skull when you fall off.

So what does one do when this news is brought to you?  You stay strong!  OK, I cried for a few nights...then my friends kept asking me what was I going to do about it?  What? What do you mean what am I going to do about it!?!!  Nothing.  There is nothing I can do except accept it and move on.  And that's what I'm doing.

I told my friends and family and then came the: OMG what is she going to do? Is her life over? Will she ever be able to go on a date again? Will she finish school? What about prom?  I took a deep breaths to avoid lawsuits from the bitch slapping I was "this close" to handing out.

Her life is far from over, she just gets to share it with someone very special.  And I hope she is as close to her child as I am to my three.  And yes she will be able to date!  Are you for real?  And education is her top priority.  Not only is she planning on finishing high school, she's a straight A student.  And if I may brag, I get phone calls from teachers letting me know how great she is and how helpful she is with her classmates.  And college, she will be completing this as well.  So don't worry people, we got this covered.

I did receive one, yes only one, "how could you let this happen?"...seriously, I work, I can't be with her all the time 24/7.  I bet you look pretty stupid sitting in class next to your teenager huh?  Oh and I bet he/she loves having you walk him/her home from school every day.  So again, topple off your damn throne already.

My daughter is smart, but smart people do dumb stuff all the time.  Famous people, rich  people, and even our illustrious politicians who are supposed to be very smart and lead us do stupid shit all the time.  So judge away all you want.  If it makes you feel better about yourself, well, I could care less.

I have received a lot of love and support from all of my family and co-workers and friends.  And this I will say feels good. 

The first month or so was a shocker.  It's something very different to get used to.  My husband is finally coming around, getting used to the idea.

So we, are now our fourth month.  She has a very small bump, and we found out it's a boy!

Oh, and for you parents out there who believe that she should do all this on her own.  Let me tell you educate you.  As a young married adult, I was scared shitless with my first pregnancy so I can't imagine what a teenager feels like.  She is my daughter and I love her very much.  I will support her thru anything.  Why did you have kids?

Now I just have to get used to the idea of being a grandma...stay tuned for my next update (hopefully soon)

Friday, April 12, 2013

What's in a name

So someone told me today I should write a blog.  Which got me to thinking, I already do have a blog! I'm just not that good at blogging.

You see, the shit that I say might be funny at the time and situation, but once I write it down all I can think of is Oh my God this is going to offend this person or that person.  And then I realized that on some leve I do care and then there is the other side of me that just doens't and people take things way to seriously and should get over themselves and this is only my opinion and not fact.  So suck it, here goes...

Today at work we had an interview with a lady named Juanita.  If you are reading this Juanita, don't take offense, and if you do, oh well.  However she didn't pronounce it how you would think.  The hispanic way.  If I could sound it out here I would, but you know what I'm saying...She also had a hispanic last name which is why I kept saying Juanita (hispanic way), until someone pointed out to me that it's actually pronounced Janaya.  Ok she uses it as a "nickname"...whatever!!

You get Bob from Robert, Bill from William, Jimmy from James.  But you do NOT get Janaya from's totally off, if you need a nickname just go with Juan...oh that's a boy's name :)

All this name calling is ridiculous.  I have work to do.